If there is information missing, generally the vendor of the product has not included information to product data companies who we purchase product data from. But each of ingredients, made and owned have their own wrinkles - if information is missing on:
Ingredients: Generally the vendor has not provided an Australian ingredient percentage, or has not included key words in the product description that we can use to ascertain the ingredient source. As it stands in early 2021, 47% of supermarket products (generally food items, but this also includes non-perishables/homewares) in our database include the Australian content percentage. Sometimes we can find it on the labelling, but many products (local and foreign) do not provide it and therefore score zero for this metric and are provided a provisional overall score (see below).
Made: This can usually be found in source data, or within text describing the product. As of early 2021, 87% of products in Strayan have made information, either specified directly or extracted from the package labelling. That said, there's challenges here also - some packaging includes words as “produced” and “packed” which could be ambiguous*.*
Ownership: Since it is generally not included in product data, Strayan sources the legal owner of the barcode and corporate structure from various reliable sources. We have ownership data for 90% of products listed in Strayan, the remainder that is missing means we could not ascertain a clear legal entity for ownership (including corporate parent, if any) for the particular product.
When information is missing or obscure,( eg. “made from local and imported ingredients”) the product is not given any points for that metric and the entire product is given a provisional Strayan score (denoted by a “?” next to the score). In an ideal world, we hope that this will influence more vendors to include this data in standard industry datasets that we use, to benefit all.
However, an ideal world would be nice but may not be enough, so in the coming weeks we will be releasing a feature to allow users to submit information to overlay on top of our base product information.